Thank You for Your Service

Seton Hill first welcomed veterans in 1946, when 40 World War II veterans were accepted as students to what had been, 直到那年, exclusively a women's college. 我们将继续向那些帮助退伍军人为国家服务的男男女女致敬, 预备役人员, 以及警卫队及其家属理解并获得军事教育的好处, 并通过提供一个支持性的环境,使他们能够在学术努力中脱颖而出. 

Seton Hill University is a Military Friendly School

As a top-ranked Military Friendly® School, 我们了解军人学生的独特挑战,并致力于帮助您实现您的学术目标. 

Department of Defense 教育的好处

Military 学费 Assistance

国防部学费援助(TA)计划为符合条件的现役军人提供资金, 国民警卫队, and Reserve service members. For military 学费 Assistance, 服务人员通过联系他们的教育服务官员(E.S.O.). 使用学费援助的学生必须在上课前与他们的教育服务官员会面,以确保他们符合资格要求. 学费援助服务通常将助教的资金直接支付给学校.

Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. To find out how to get started, visit your local installation 教育 center, go online to a virtual 教育 center, or click on the following links for each service branch:

When requesting approval for TA, use the federal school code OPE-ID 003362-00 for Seton Hill University.  Once your tuition assistance form is approved, 请将副本寄给财务服务和注册办公室的学校认证官员 beckel@stilllearninglife.com使用助教福利的每个学期都需要提交批准的学费援助表格. 

V.A. 教育的好处

If you are a veteran, active duty service member, or dependent of either, 你可能有资格获得退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利.A.). 退伍军人和/或他们的家属必须首先完成退伍军人管理局的福利申请.A.门户). The VA will send the student a Certificate of Eligibility, 哪些应提交给西顿希尔大学金融服务和注册办公室的学校认证官员.  访问 the Department of Veterans Affairs GI 比尔® page to learn more.

Full 学费 Paid for Veterans Through the Post- 9/11 GI 比尔®Best Colleges for Veterans U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道

Seton Hill is proud to partner with the U.S. 退伍军人事务部通过后9/11退伍军人法案®和黄丝带退伍军人教育加强计划为符合条件的退伍军人或其家属提供全额学费优惠. 通过法案, 退伍军人事务部将为符合条件的退伍军人支付学费,金额相当于公立高等教育机构在州内的最高学费. Through the Yellow Ribbon GI Enhancement Program, Seton Hill and the VA will cover any additional tuition costs, 这样,想要就读西顿希尔学院的退伍军人就不必为就读私立学院支付额外的学费. 符合条件的退伍军人或他们的家属也可以获得图书津贴和每月住房费用津贴. Military benefits are certified for the entire enrollment period. 西顿希尔学院不提供比学生入学的学期短的军事福利证明. For more information about this new benefit, visit 9/11后的退伍军人法案.

合资格人士, funding from the Veterans Administration, Seton Hill University, 其他来源的助学金和奖学金将根据他们的资格支付学费和杂费. 联邦拨款、贷款和州拨款将根据退伍军人事务部、联邦和州的规定发放.

Seton Hill seeks to maximize financial aid opportunities for all students. 因此, 学生的总教育收益超过直接学杂费的, Seton Hill will reduce other forms of institutional aid.

一旦接受者的黄丝带权利已经用尽,西顿希尔可以恢复机构奖学金或助学金,以协助未满足的费用, provided the student has maintained satisfactory progress, conduct and attendance.


The 9/11后的GI法案®, also known as Chapter 33, provides up to 36 months of support for tuition and fees, a monthly housing allowance, and a books and supplies stipend of up to $1,在9月10日或之后累计服务不少于90天的个人,每年可获发10,000元, 2001, 或在30天后因工作而残疾的个人. 您必须获得光荣退伍,才有资格享受后9/11退伍军人法案®.  服务人员可以选择将未使用的福利转移给符合条件的家属.   

Seton Hill University is proud to participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program.  如果您符合9/11后GI法案®的资格,您也可能符合黄丝带计划的资格. 黄丝带计划的本科课程名额是无限的(仅限于特定的研究生课程)。.  


  • C.O.E. Certificate of Eligibility for the first time using this benefit, OR 
  • VA表格22-1995申请转学生更改课程或培训地点.

GI 比尔® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.)

Montgomery GI 比尔 Active Duty (MGIB-AD)

Montgomery GI 比尔 Active Duty (MGIB-AD), also known as Chapter 30, can help you pay for 教育 and training programs.  如果你服役至少2年,你可能有资格获得蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔.  服役人员在离开现役后通常有10年的时间使用MGIB-AD福利.  This benefit is not transferable to dependents.  


  • C.O.E. Certificate of Eligibility for the first time using this benefit, OR
  • DD-214首次使用福利的解除或退出现役证明.
  • VA表格22-1995申请转学生更改课程或培训地点.

Montgomery GI 比尔 Selected Reserves (MGIB-SR)

Montgomery GI 比尔 Selected Reserves (MGIB-SR), also known as Chapter 1606, 提供长达36个月的教育和培训福利,以符合条件的选定储备成员, 包括军队, 海军, 空军, 海军陆战队, 海岸警卫队预备队, 军队 国民警卫队 or Air 国民警卫队. 


  • C.O.E. Certificate of Eligibility for the first time using this benefit, AND 
  • N.O.B.E. Notice of Basic Eligibility for the first time using this benefit, OR
  • VA表格22-1995申请转学生更改课程或培训地点.

Survivors' and Dependents' Education Assistance Program (D.E.A.)

Survivors' and Dependents' Education Assistance Program, also known as Chapter 35, may provide benefits for dependents (spouse or child) of a veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability; or who is listed as a Prisoner of War or Missing in Action. This program offers up to 45 months of 教育al benefits. 


  • C.O.E. Certificate of Eligibility for the first time using this benefit, OR
  • VA表格22-1995申请转学生更改课程或培训地点.

Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 Program

Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业 Program, also known as Chapter 31, provides services to help with job training, 教育, employment accommodations, 恢复发展, and job-seeking skills coaching for eligible veterans.


获得采购订单授权和进入康复认证和身份认证. Issued by the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor assigned.


澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台, 你可以在获得学位的同时参加陆军预备役军官训练团(ROTC). 这个机会是提供给学生谁符合军队的年龄和健康要求. Scholarships are available. 毕业后,你将获得现役陆军、陆军预备役或陆军国民警卫队的任命. 了解更多.



  • The Post 9/11-GI 比尔/Yellow Ribbon Program,请联络:
    Seton Hill's Veterans Affairs Liaison & 注册主任助理
    (724) 838-4219
  • Undergraduate Program Admission & 军队参加后备役军官训练军团,请联络:
    Undergraduate 招生
    (724) 838-4281
  • 研究生 & 在线研究 Program Admission,请联络:
    The Office of 研究生 & 在线研究
    (724) 838-4208

资源 to Help You Get Started